Friday, 8 August 2014

Rain on the Window

The window ledge was deep yet narrow
Wall each side thick and old
The plant pots been moved
It's gone away
It's now a place for me to play
Dinky cars roll back and forth
The brum of engines squeal of tyres
The sounds of cars
Drowns out the rains
The spots splish splash again again
The rivulets run down the pane
The rain comes down and down and down
It smears the windows, spoils the view
The view is grey it blocks the way
A truly truly awful day
Outside the pebble path shines bright
Pebbles glisten wet with light
Contrast the great big concrete step
Around the edge a pattern zigs
It zigs and zags and zags and zigs
The red brick marks around the edge
Rubbed and rubbed
So carefully made
Are washed away
They will return another day

A constant source of inspiration for poetry is "The Barracks" my paternal grandfathers home in south west Scotland where I spent my childhood holidays. The old stone building had walls about 3 ft thick, the kitchen had only on small window with a big deep window ledge on which I used t play on a wet day with my Dinky toys.

Alistair J Parker
8th August 2014

My Bruver

My brother was a little squirt
All goggled eyed and curly haired
He peddled there and peddled here
In an old tin jeep with his teddy bear

He posed for photos as I clicked away
Went to Port Erin while I was a way
Got caned by the bruvers at Old SFX
He moved with the old folks to Wirral on sea

Drove round in a special, the envy of me
Labs and computers floated his boat
But something deeper trying to get out
Family ain’t easy with the peaks and the troughs

Hearts may be broken like (twigs on a) bough of a tree
Searching for something that nurtures the soul
Creativeness calling it has to be scratched
Helped by a soul mate a mermaid with curls

The pen and the words paper are starting to flow
The words and the ideas are raring to go
Baldy and brainy, witty and bright
My brovers a winner a wizzo with words

He’ll read this and chuckle and file in the bin
But I love him to pieces and I’ll love no less
His birth I remember with joy and with tears
We’ve grown together over many long years

Enjoy the day and shun the years
Happy Birthday buv

Self explanatory really, a birthday poem for my brother who is 13 years my younger but a great mate, now!

Alistair J Parker
8th August 2014