Saturday 9 May 2020

Woman Child Backpack

Woman and Child carrying Backpack
Holding hands, hurrying, coats a akimbo
Where are they going, why?
She looks strained, sad, worried
Is she coping, are they alone
Scared, depressed, frightened
That’s how they look
Difficult times at the best of times
Bills to pay, jobs to find
Benefits so hard to get
How do you cope from day today
All on your own with just a child
No one to ask, no one who cares
No one who loves no one to love
It makes me sad to see them so
I want to help but how?

I am moved to write by the sight, whilst driving to the shop's this morning, of a young mum and her child who was carrying a Backpack. The sight evoked an emotion in me, it was something that may have gone unnoticed in normal times, but we are in week 6 of the Covid19 lockdown and emotions are starting to run high.

1st May 2020