Sunday 19 November 2023

Ode to a Salt Marsh

The view goes on for miles
The currents change
The channels move
The grass went
Has it gone forever
Washed away
But then one day
A sign of life
A tuft here a tuft there
Quietly tides ebb and flow
The rains fall
The winds blow
And yes a miracle starts to occur
The tufts they grow
And start to spread
The grass returns
The clumps reach out
Their leaves to join
And make a land
That had gone away
It's coming back
Another day
The secret of
The salt marsh

A reflection on how the extensive salt marsh of Morecambe Bay in the area of Silverdale progressively disappeared as the currents changed only to fight the tides to return. The early signs show a rapid regrowth of this vulnerable ecosystem. 