Thursday, 9 April 2020

To Shed a Tear - An Emotion Unexplained

To shed a tear 
Is nature’s way
Of telling us
Of something we don’t understand
The sound of music
A kindly act
The show of caring
A poignant act

To shed a tear 
Comes, from deep within 
We can’t control
The tear that starts to roll
Down one's cheek
At special times
That touch the heart 
Some-thing within
Just, wells up

Nostalgic moments
Lost in thoughts
We think of those
No longer here
Of those too frail 
We have to care
For those alone
No one to care
No one to care

Intake of breath
Almost a sigh
You feel the… 
The tear form 
In your eye
Those times 
When you can’t help but
shed a tear 
An emotion unexplained

Alistair Parker
2nd January 2015

Inspired by an increasing tendency to find myself tearing-up on the most unlikely occasions, often the result of a simple act of kindness. 

UPDATE 9th April 2020: Although this was written 5 years ago it is even more poignant at the current time. There are so many occasions when one feels emotionally overwhelmed. I had to renew my Car insurance a few days ago. I thanked the young lady who dealt with it on the phone for her kindness and immediately burst into tears and had a good sob! I am tearing up typing this…


  1. Could be a sort of collective pandemic grief. I read something about it recently. I'm a bit the same. VE day was a killer.

    1. Thank you for your comment, strange times, likewise...
