My first effort at an acrostic verse is based on the letters of my name Alistair Parker and inspired by Lewis Carroll’s acrostic verse “A boat beneath a sunny sky” of which the first letters of each line spell “Alice Pleasance Liddell”, the full name of his character in the tales of Alice, or rather his muse.
Agony is hard to bear
Like whiplashes on the skin
Insubordination is the cause
Stutter not if to be heard
Talk loud and clear and state your aim
Always fight your cause
Irreverence will not do
Revealing lack of faith
Peace is but a dream I fear
Attrition beckons death is nigh
Retribution fear ye not
Knowing seeing not forgot
Enemies we seek to forgive
Remember this day remember
In remembrance of those to whom we owe so much on this important day...