Thursday, 14 February 2019

A Symbol of Love

Crimson curved and folded fronds 
Of winded wafts and scented smells
The rose is charm and love
And grace to celebrate
The sands of time that pass away
Petals brown and wither there
To drop from heaven to the ground
The scent does linger like our love
The crimson curving heart like thing
Will last just long enough as life
The rose a symbol of our love

Inspired by a reading of William Blake’s The Sick Rose on BBC Radio 4 In Our Time, see below. It was the words Crimson Joy that triggered the inspiration.


Used as a Valentine's card verse 2019 


The Sick Rose 

O Rose thou art sick. 
The invisible worm, 
That flies in the night 
In the howling storm: 

Has found out thy bed 
Of crimson joy: 
And his dark secret love 
Does thy life destroy.

BY William Blake