Sunday, 19 November 2023

Ode to a Salt Marsh

The view goes on for miles
The currents change
The channels move
The grass went
Has it gone forever
Washed away
But then one day
A sign of life
A tuft here a tuft there
Quietly tides ebb and flow
The rains fall
The winds blow
And yes a miracle starts to occur
The tufts they grow
And start to spread
The grass returns
The clumps reach out
Their leaves to join
And make a land
That had gone away
It's coming back
Another day
The secret of
The salt marsh

A reflection on how the extensive salt marsh of Morecambe Bay in the area of Silverdale progressively disappeared as the currents changed only to fight the tides to return. The early signs show a rapid regrowth of this vulnerable ecosystem. 

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Golden Browns

Golden browns flutter
Like leaves on a tree
Waving good bye 
They strain to fly free

Like butterflies tethered 
Then to float free
To places unknown 
Like leaves from a tree 

Autumn leaves fall 
From the trees all around
Warm mellow colours
To swaddle the ground 

Wrinkled and crumbled
Food for the worms
Who nestle up warmly
In golden brown earth

Inspired by a walk through the local car park with the rows of Maple trees between the cars brandishing those beautiful golden brown hues that we associate with Autumn. The tune of the song Golden Brown by the Stranglers, one of my all-time favourites, came into my head. 

Having just checked the lyrics of the song to make sure I wasn't plagiarising I realised that I had been harbouring in my mind a mondegreen  - I didn't know there was such a word until I saw a thread on Twitter on the subject a couple of days ago. 

Mondegreen means -  A mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase in a way that gives it a new meaning, most often created by a person listening to a poem or a song; the listener, being unable to hear a lyric clearly, substitutes words that sound similar and make some kind of sense. 

The second line of Golden Brown reads...

Lays me down, with my mind she runs

I have always heard this as ...

Lays me down, with my mancheros

"Mancheros" isn't even a word, I imagined it to be something like a Mexican ranchero...

There is a fascinating article in Wikipedia on the subject of Mondegreens which is worth a look.


As a friend has reminded me there is more to the words Golden Brown than a poem about Autumn colours. For those interested in the interpretation of the Strangler lyrics check out this link... Coincidently the link includes a great video of the track with some beautiful images as background. Having listened to the words I still believe he is singing "Mancheroes"!

Thursday, 5 October 2023

National Poetry Day

Today 5th October 2023 is National Poetry Day and October has been dubbed National Poetry Month. To celebrate, the Creative Writing Groups at Poulton Library have mounted a display of Poetry and Poetry related projects. National Poetry Day encourages everyone to make, experience and share poetry with family and friends.

This year the theme is “Refuge” and invites poets to explore the concept of safety and security, both physical and emotional. It encourages us to reflect on what it means to find a place of safety in a world that can be unpredictable and chaotic. The theme also invites us to consider the ways in which we can offer refuge to others, whether it be through acts of kindness or by creating safe spaces where people can feel heard and understood, in times of strife and disarray,


When life seems like a game we can't play,
Poetry is a refuge for the soul,
A place where we can be whole.
It's a medium that knows no bounds,
A way to express our thoughts profoundly,
So let's celebrate this art today,
On National Poetry Day.

The display of work at the library is eclectic and contains many personal examples of individual approaches to Poetry. There is even advice on how you may tackle writing your first poem.

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Is Poetry Rubbish?


This essay is part of a display at Poulton le Fylde Library to celebrate National Poetry Month.

Do you like Poetry? The answer, Poetry is Rubbish may be a bit of an overstatement but for most people, Poetry is something of a Black Art. Rather like Marmite you love it or hate it. For most of us, our first experience of poetry will be nursery rhymes although we will not realise this at the time. Our next experience will probably be at school when in English we have to learn a poem and recite it from memory. That will be a turn-off because we don’t like learning things in parrot fashion. And we certainly don’t like standing up in front of our mates to make a fool of ourselves.

These early experiences colour our view of poetry as something a bit like art, it’s for posh people really. You don’t like poetry because you don’t understand it, right? If there is nothing in it for you, why should I try to understand it? If you are going to enjoy something you don’t expect to have to try and understand it. After all you can listen to a song and enjoy it without having to understand how it was made! And that is a poem put to music. But most of us will come across a poem at some time in our lives that catches our imagination or means something to us.  for me, it was In Flanders Field by John McCrea which is one of the first poems that really made me stop and think.

  In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
 John McCrea 2nd
May 1915
Copyright – Public Domain

The inspiration for “In Flanders Fields” came during the early days of the First World War at the Second Battle of Ypres when a young Canadian artillery officer, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, was killed on 2nd May 1915, in the gun positions near Ypres by an exploding German artillery shell. The Canadian military doctor and artillery commander Major John McCrae was asked to conduct the burial service. It is believed that later that evening, after the burial, John began the draft for his now-famous poem “In Flanders Fields”.

I defy anyone to read the words of that poem and not be moved. But just like other art forms painting or drawing there are different styles many of which are very personal, and many do not appeal to a wide audience. But that is no reason to dismiss poetry as something you don’t or can’t understand or something that is too complicated, something many of us are all guilty of, I suspect.

I do not really understand poetry, just like I don’t really get modern jazz! For that reason, I ignored it as an art form for most of my life, until I discovered a book of poetry called, Verse and Worse by Arnold Silcock, sadly rather late in life. It is a collection of light-hearted poetry amongst which are the few poems that really stuck in my mind, and a few that I have committed to memory, mainly, I suspect because the words in them are rather rude!
My girlfriend, now my wife, sent me poems when I was laid up in bed for 10 weeks with Jaundice, just before we married. They were really sweet and meant so much to me but for the life of me, I could not write one back, no matter how hard I tried. But eventually many years later, when I was 60 to be precise, poetry writing came to me from nowhere. I was driving along in the car thinking about the place I used to go on holiday as a kid, the sort of thing you do as you get older, it is called nostalgia. A poem started to form in my head. I could hear the words; they were describing the walk we used to take to the shore, from my grandfather's Farm on the side of the hill. I could not wait to get out of the car to write the words down. I went for a coffee and scribbled in my notebook; before I knew it, I had written my first poem.
There are a number of lessons to learn from this experience, firstly, you never know when the poetry bug will bite, If I can write a poem anyone can and there are no rules, well there are but you shouldn’t let not knowing them put you off. I have purposely avoided learning the rules of poetry, much like I have avoided the rules of painting because I don’t want them to get in the way at the moment or to put me off.

My First Poem - A Walk to the Shore

by Alistair J Parker

Crunch on the pebbles
Step over the stones
Cross the neat grass
Lift the latch
Hear the squeak
Rattle the chain
Back on the hook
Make sure it’s closed

Mind the cow pat
Steaming and brown
Follow the dyke
The dry stone wall
A wiggly path
Winds down the hill
This way and that
It heads for the sea

Spot the odd rabbit
There used to be more
Little brown berries
In piles everywhere
Left by the bunnies
Look there’s a burrow
Home for a rabbit
Home in the ground

Hear the sweet singing
What did it say
Bread with no cheese,
it repeats all the day
Yellow and noisy,
it hammers a song
One step more,
keep going along

Taste the blackberries
All warm lush and round
Sun always shining
It shines every day
Over the stile now
Best time of the day
The smell of the hay

We’re nearly there
There is the sea
See the sand, close now
The smell of the sea
Through the rough grass
Mind the gorse spikes
Sloes in abundance
Lovely with gin

Clack through the pebbles
All tumbling down
Look for the white ones
Look that’s one there
Feel the sand crunchy
On feet that are bare
Look its Man Friday
A footprint is there

Hear the waves crashing
Up onto the rocks
Skim the stones seaward
Bounce off the waves
Hear the shrill call
The birds of the sea
A Sea Pie is calling
Plaintive and haunting

Memories flow
This magical place
I once loved to go
I feel a tear forming
It rolls down the cheek
The memory is dear
Seems such a long time
Since I have walked there

If I can write a poem anyone can. Get your pen out and have a go. What you need to get going is permission; you need to give yourself permission and maybe a few hints on where to start if you really have no idea how to get started. My first tip would be to do as I did and visualise something you are very familiar with as a progression, such as a walk or an activity, e.g. getting up in the morning, or going to work. Then write down a list of keywords that arise from the journey, and you have the makings of a poem…

Wake up,
open eyes,
yawn again,
pull back the duvet,
sit up,
swing your legs out,
take a first step,
open the curtain
and yawn.

 Now add a few words and slightly rearrange. 

I wake up,
Open my eyes,
Yawn, cough,
And yawn again,
Pull back the duvet,
Sit up and stretch,
Swing out my legs,
Take a first step,
Open the curtain
And yawn.
You see what I mean; now you have a poem, “Waking Up” you’re a poet in no time…
Remember, there are rules, but there are no rules, the rules are there to be broken and remember mistakes are the source of inspiration and exciting discoveries. Get writing…
Since the fateful day when I  was compelled to write my first poem, I have continued to write and have two self-published books of poems. I also have this Blog which I update regularly.
If you really want to learn more about the rules of Poetry, you could do worse than read Stephen Fry’s book –  The Ode Less Travelled – Unlocking The Poetry Within -  as a starter.

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Dog Walk

Sun shines, cool breeze
Gas work excavations 
Yellow pipes
Snake through the ground 
Peeping through
Muddy holes
With muddled pipes 
A cacophony of cables
Fight for space 
Barriers bar the way
To normal routes 
Cross across the road
Avoiding cars and
Big fat SUV’s
Bossing their way
Through diverted traffic
Gymnastic leg cocks
Defying gravity
Mark the way
To more sniffs
Than can be sniffed at
Such is the canine pleasure 
Familiar roue marred by
Litter, E-fags and cans
From late-night revellers
No doubt at all
Patchwork pavements 
Scarred by men
With picks and shovels
Making holes to bury things
For others to find
And bury again 
Painty sprays make
Mystery marks
Of hidden stuff
That we don’t know 
A lexicon of mystery 
Marks and glyphs
To fade away in time
Just like this walk
Will fade away
In time for a 
Frothy cappuccino 
At my favourite 
Coffee place

Inspired by Ian McMillans daily ditties on TwitX @IMcMillan


Thursday, 7 September 2023

Memoir Poems - A Project

I am currently involved in researching a memoir and I am exploring different approaches to the genre. Poetry being just one possible approach. The following are two poems based on memories of visiting my grandma's house on the notorious Liverpool Dock Road.

Bath Street

No baths just cobbles
Long and straight
A slight bend hides the end
It’s Friday night
It’s quiet na silent
Save the cooing of the pigeons
The flap and whoosh of their wings

Deserted except for me
Treading on the cracks
Leaping the paving stones
Lonely walking on my own 
To grandmas house
Number 35 Bath St
The house by the pub 

Warehouses loom high
Leaning in to stare
At the little lonely boy
Walking on his own 
Where yesterday 
Lorry’s chugged 
Piled high with sacks

Of this and that
Horses pulling carts
Striking sparks 
With steel shod hooves
Chomping chaff
In huge nose bags
Waiting stomping feet

There’s the house
Tall and sooty
Stained by smoke and time
The door peeling 
Save the shinny number
35 On the door
I'm here I’m home 

No 35

Cluttered love
The smell of people 
Grandma and Co
Two aunties
Two uncles
A dog and six cats
Brown linoleum 
A big black range
A Telly and a radio
That talk all day
Dusty corners 
Sooty cream walls 

Fry up breakfasts
Dripping toast
Tripe and trotters
Bubble and stew
Sunday dinner
Taters and meat

Chopping wood in the cellar 
Me and my mate
By the glow of the light
In the dark of the black
Bogy men hiding 
Well that’s what we think

Play on the olla 
Where once houses stood
Bombsites and bricks
The place where we played 
Footy and tick
And fighting an stuff

Out in the morning 
And back for our tea
Exploring old places
Where once people lived
Finding old photos 
And old broken cups

Home for a scrubbing
With Tide in the bath
Spuds and mince
To fill up my tum 
Off to my bed
With sweet dreams to come

Sleep like a log
With cuddles and love
Rise in the morning 
To corn flakes and milk
Wait for my buddy 
To yodel I’m here

Monday, 12 June 2023

The Pain

I sit quietly
It twinges
Not once but twice
And then a third time
A sharp piercing pain
In the joint of my left thumb

How strange
A twinge
From nowhere
A piercing pain 
That sears and spreads
And now it is gone

I wrote this because that is what happened and I thought how odd that a pain should come and go so quickly. Just felt I had to record the event as a poem. 12.6.23

Thursday, 25 May 2023

Feeling Sad

Tears well up nowhere to go
They trickle down your cheek
Feel the warm damp tears fall
A symbol of the fear you feel
The thoughts of what may have been
Tears well up and make you sad
You’re just so glad it wasn’t you
Or anyone you love
But it was someone who you don’t know
Someone who is wracked with fear
Fear of what they saw that night
Will haunt them evermore
What they saw, what may have been
Will haunt them on and on

You feel ok and then you’re not
The mind is playing tricks
Kind words and thoughts from ones you love
Help only for a time
Before the thoughts come back again
And tears begin to well
Imagining what might have been
Your mind is in a whirl
Dab your eyes and wipe the tears away
Remember those less blessed than you
Count your blessings hold and hug
The ones you love so dear
And hope that love will wipe away
The teardrops and the fear

This poem was inspired by the effect of being caught up in the bombing of the Manchester Arena on 22nd May 2017. Waiting for two granddaughters and their two friends to emerge from the carnage and confusion was a life-changing experience. I could not have anticipated the emotional impact the experience has had. Pleased to say everyone was safe but, I suspect, the children will carry the emotional scar for life. 

I republish this poem today in remembrance of those less fortunate. 

24 May 2017
Updated 25 May 2023

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Through Death

Through death we find a family long lost
A distant cousin fades away
A name we know but had forgotten 
Receded to the vault that is the mind
The place where memories sleep 
Until roused by a call from the living 

Memory of faint faces are stirred
Vagueness jostle to reform a form
Long forgotten if ever really known
Two families divided by maternalism 
Two families joined but not together 
Yet bonded by a paternal gene

Inspired by meeting members of my maternal grandfather’s family from his first marriage at a funeral. 


Friday, 12 May 2023

Rhubarb Rhubarb Rhubarb

Rhubarb stalks long and pink

Product of forced Labour in the dark

Rooting in the mucky Earth 

In sheds long and dark and dank

Forcing pushing up and up

Sprouting little pokes of green

Searching for the signs of light

A candle splutters flickering flame

Peering eyes pierce the gloom

To pluck pink fleshy stems that waft about

Straight into a pan unctuous sweet

A treat to savour and delight 

Stewed rhubarb pink and plump

Waiting for the gods to eat

Prompted by my sight of new season rhubarb in the shops, always makes my mouth water. 3.3.23

Monday, 10 April 2023

Book Pile Poem - A Snapshot of Eternity

Book Spine Poetry is an internet meme that goes back to the work of artist Nina Katchadourian. In the early 1990s, she took photographs of stacked book titles that, when read together, created short sentences and stories.

More than a decade later, the internet was in full swing and Katchadourian’s work inspired a viral revolution with its own hashtag, #bookspinepoetry. The meme is still going strong after more than five years. That’s an internet legacy.

I interpreted the meme in such a way the titles of the pile of books I used, provided the inspiration for a completely separate poem. Although it would be possible to consider the titles of the pile of books as a poem in its own right.

The original blog post that triggered this outburst of creativity has unfortunately disappeared but there are plenty more if you Google Book Spine Poetry 
For example

This is my effort - A Snapshot of Eternity

The pile of books that inspired this poem

Creative minds evolve and seek solutions in the mind
To trap the things that we can see
To share, remember, to see again
Simple things and prepared minds
Find ways to trap the everyday
To turn today into tomorrow

With tools and technology we create
Each wild idea we tame and twist
In dark, rooms and sheds we toil
We merge the most unlikely thoughts
Of art and things, machines and minds
To help us visualise the world

In different ways to other souls
To trap the things the eye can see
Memories of things, we want to share
With those we love, for whom we care
Before the ravages of time destroy
Frail memories crumble and decay

We try to remember what we thought
Think a thought and it is gone
Pass the threshold, disappeared
Deleted, lost forever more
Or so we thought, we turn the page
The thoughts of yesterday return

The taste, the smell, snapshots of the past
Return like vivid pictures, in the mind
Deleted now but never gone
Our memories live there on and on
In things, we like to store away
Things we’ll miss when they are gone

We thank creative minds that toil
To help us to recall the things that we forget
A photograph is all we need
To save, for ourselves and others too
Like insects trapped in golden amber
Our memories preserved for all to see

A snapshot of eternity…

Alistair J Parker
7th April 2016

Updated 10the April 2023

Hello Mr Robin

Hello Mr Robin where have you been

We have missed you and your cherry breast

Your cheeky chirps and perky cheeps

You flit about up and down here and there

Pecking twerking flying round

We like t when you venture close 

Brave and fearless such a friend

Welcome back we’ve missed you so

Please stay a while before you go. 

My second Mr Robin poem. Inspired by the return of our Robin to the garden after what seems like a long absence. Such friendly forthright characters. 

7th April 2023

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Just Another Day

Day dawns
What day is it?
Does it matter?
It does but doesn’t
Much like any other
Doom and gloom
Ah the papers 
Must be Sunday
But could be Monday
Come day go day
More bad news day
New day blues day
What comes next?

Grass is growing
Blossoms blooming
Birds don’t know
What day it is
Birds don’t care
What day it is
Two Blackbirds
They share a worm
Gather sticks
To make a nest
Flap and fly
Move on
To make a nest
And lay their eggs

Robins bobbin
Up and down
Cheeky, cheerful
Not a frown
Pecker up and
Chest puffed out
Another day will 
Dawn tomorrow
Life goes on
For some at least
The doom & gloom 
Will fade away
The dawn will dawn
Another day

Written 15.3.20 

Just discovered this poem in an old notebook. The poem was inspired by the realisation of what effect Covid 19 may have on our lives and the contrasting emotions of the arrival of Spring.